
Tracey is living a cliche. She lost her job, moved in with her parents, and started reading comics at the age of thirty. A lifelong geek, she has been a Marvel fan since she saw the X-Men cartoon in the early 1990s. She’s always loved TV and movie adaptations of both Marvel and DC characters, but it wasn’t until the Marvel Cinematic Universe that she fell head over heels and started visiting her local comic shop regularly. She’s mostly into Marvel comics and her current favorite characters are Thor and Iron Man, but she reads a bit of everything. Follow her on Twitter @marvel_gal!

Ki technically read her first comic at the age of nine – a “borrowed from brother” copy of Archie – and promptly forgot about it. Now, almost two decades later, she’s discovering the genre in a completely different way, and cannot get it out of her head. She enjoys the Marvel shows and movies, but prefers DC when it comes to the comics themselves. (She thinks the DC shows are good, too, and will probably cry if Young Justice gets cancelled.) Her current favorites are the 90s Gotham stories, and she adores every Robin that ever was. (And yes, the reboot makes her sad. She doesn’t like to talk about it but will if asked, so just be prepared for that.) Follow her on Twitter @comicjourney_dc!

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